Ash31 Weather Station 

 Ash31 Weather Station 


The Great Storm of 1987

Michael Fish 15th October 1987 Weather forecast

Many people remember the words of BBC weather forecaster Michael Fish on the lunchtime news before the storm struck "Earlier on today apparently, a woman rang the BBC and said she'd heard there was a hurricane on the way. Well, if you are watching, don't worry, there isn't". You can watch the full video below.

The Great Storm of 1987 affected many parts of the UK on the night of 15-16 October. With wind gusts of up to 100mph, 18 people were killed, millions of trees blown down and transport and power seriously disrupted.

Bill Giles weather forecast

The night before the storm

After the storm

Ian McCaskill interview

 Interview the day after the storm 16th October 1987

More storm news

With Ivor moores Look East News

The day after the storm

Bill Giles weather full forecast the day after the storm 16th October 1987

A fish called blunder

Britain's biggest storm

Documentary about Britain's storm 1987

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